1. The method of drip irrigation of a tree-like vineyard from a closed ground, including installing a pipeline with water outlets, characterized in that at the locations of the water outlet of the pipeline are placed and hermetically connected to it vertical orthogonal nozzles with a water outlet that is located above the ground, while coaxially with vertical orthogonal nozzle additionally have sequentially an internal cup-shaped vessel with a coaxial hole in its upper part and outside the upper cup-shaped vessel, which is successively introduced into the ground and combined with the upper part of the vertical orthogonal nozzle, while the upper part of the inner bowl-shaped vessel is hermetically placed below the water outlet, and the external cup-shaped vessel is located above the water outlet in its coaxial groove, which is made in its upper part after which the formed volume between the upper part of the inner and outer cup-shaped vessels and the soil surface between them through the vertical outlet ceiling elements orthogonal pipe filled with irrigation vodoy.2. The method of drip irrigation of a tree-like vineyard from a closed soil according to claim 1, characterized in that the water outlet in the vertical orthogonal nozzle is either in its upper part or in the form of a gap between its upper part and the coaxial internal groove of the outer bowl-shaped vessel. The method of drip irrigation of a tree-like vineyard from a closed soil according to claim 1, characterized in that on the outer surface of the outer bowl-shaped vessel is additionally made1. Способ капельного орошения деревовидного виноградника из закрытого грунта, включающий установку трубопровода с водовыпускными отверстиями, отличающийся тем, что в местах расположения водовыпускных отверстий трубопровода располагают и герметично с ним соединяют вертикальные ортогональные патрубки с водовыпускным отверстием, которое располагают над грунтом, при этом соосно с вертикальным ортогональным патрубком доп