This invention in order to use for the heart operation of the adult and the especially child, offers the bypass circuit which is improved. Depending upon the automatic adjustment talent of this circuit design, as operation becomes simple, advantage of both systems of VAVD and KAVD is combined, at the same time, there is no necessity which uses the plural blood pumps. As a advantage, this system the possession space is smaller than the existing system, the necessary blood quantity is small, contact with the blood and the tubing is little, the damage of the blood corpuscle is little, there is no necessity which uses the plural blood pumps, at the same time, rate of occurrence of the gas plug is low.本発明は、成人および特に小児の心臓手術に用いるための、改善されたバイパス回路を提供する。この回路設計の自動調節能により、操作が簡便になるとともに、VAVDおよびKAVDの両システムの利点が組み合わされ、かつ、複数の血液ポンプを用いる必要性がなくなる。有利な点として、本システムは占有スペースが既存システムより小さく、必要な血液量が少なく、血液と管材料との接触が少なく、血球の損傷が少なく、複数の血液ポンプを用いる必要性がなく、かつ、ガス塞栓の発生率が低い。