Composition for use in the Promotion of antigiogenesis and intestinal Nutrient Absorption and tolerance to enteral feeding and / or prevention and / or treatment of intestinal inflammation and / or in Recovery from damage or intestinal Surgery
The invention discloses a composition comprising at least one long chain polyunsaturated fatty acid, at least one probiotic and a mixture of oligosaccharides, said mixture containing at least one N-acetylated oligosaccharide, at least one sialylated oligosaccharide and at least one neutral oligosaccharide, for use in the promotion of intestinal angiogenesis and of nutrient absorption and of enteral feeding tolerance and/or in the prevention and/or treatment of intestinal inflammation, such as necrotizing enterocolis, and/or in the recovery after intestinal injury and/or surgery. This composition is particularly adapted for use in infants, notably preterm infants.COMPOSICION PARA SU USO EN LA PROMOCION DE LA ANTIGIOGENESIS INTESTINAL Y DE LA ABSORCION DE NUTRIENTES Y DE TOLERANCIA A LA ALIMENTACION ENTERAL Y/O EN LA PREVENCION Y/O EN EL TRATAMIENTO DE LA INFLAMACION INTESTINAL Y/O EN LA RECUPERACION POSTERIOR A UN DAÑO O CIRUGIA INTESTINAL