osteotomes and bone expanders of dental implant dentistry activated by hammer-type contra-angles. dental implant dentistry instruments, called osteotomes and bone expanders, with the modified cable-relative end so that they can be used on dental contra-angles that promote repetitive impact movements, such as silver amalgam condensation contra-angles, making them significantly smaller instruments, without any changes being made to the body, the active tip or the form of activation of these instruments, which is the impact, with only a change in the source of that impact, which will become a hammer-type contra-angle as instead of a manual surgical hammer, thus maintaining the efficiency of these instruments in what they intend to perform, with advantages in the ergonomic, economic and environmental aspects, since they will require less raw material for their manufacture, less disposable packaging. for sterilization, they will take up less space for both storage and storage. office drawers and cabinets as well as on the operating table, and will make it easier to access and perform surgical instrumentation in much later jaw or jaw areas, with more instrument control and safety in surgery compared to conventional long, straight or curved.osteótomos e expansores ósseos de implantodontia dentária ativados por contra-ângulos do tipo martelete. instrumentos de implantodontia dentária, denominados de osteótomos e expansores ósseos, com a extremidade relativa ao cabo modificada para que possam ser utilizados em contra-ângulos dentários que promovam movimentos de impacto repetitivo, como os contra-ângulos de condensação de amálgama de prata, tornando esses instrumentos significativamente menores, sem que nenhuma alteração seja realizada no corpo, na ponta ativa ou na forma de ativação desses instrumentos, que é o impacto, com alteração apenas na fonte desse impacto, que passará a ser um contra-ângulo do tipo martelete, ao invés de um martelo cirúrgico manual, mantendo, portant