Federalnoe gosudarstvennoe byudzhetnoe obrazovatelnoe uchrezhdenie vysshego obrazovaniya "Kubanskij gosudarstvennyj agrarnyj universitet imeni I.T. Trubilina"
Amerkhanov Robert Aleksandrovich (RU),Амерханов Роберт Александрович (RU),Grigorash Oleg Vladimirovich (RU),Григораш Олег Владимирович (RU),Kirichenko Anna Sergeevna (RU),Кириченко Анна Сергеевна (RU)
FIELD: agriculture.SUBSTANCE: invention relates to agriculture, in particular to hydroponic growing of plants. Hydroponic plant includes a control unit, a cultivation vessel in which plant holders and a water level sensor, a heat supply unit and an ozonizer are located. Heat supply installation consists of a well for water withdrawal through a discharge pipeline into a cultivation vessel, a solar water heater and a pump. Source of waste gases is a diesel-generator, and the device for cleaning and disposal of waste gases contains a filter with inlet and outlet gas ducts, with a cooling device and an oxidation chamber. Outlet gas duct is installed in well and equipped with blowing pump. Parts of the outlet gas duct and the discharge pipeline located in the well are equipped with a coil-like ground heat exchanger in the form of a coil connected through a pump designed for circulation of water with its heater. Heater is made in form of solar collector and is located on installation roof. Valve and ultraviolet biological treatment system connected to control unit are installed in discharge pipeline. Ozonizer is located inside installation room.EFFECT: increased yield of agricultural plants due to their fertilization with required amount of nitrogen produced from recycled waste gases, as well as stimulation of photosynthesis process.1 cl, 1 tbl, 1 dwgИзобретение относится к сельскому хозяйству, в частности к гидропонному выращиванию растений. Гидропонная установка содержит блок управления, культивационный сосуд, в котором расположены держатели растений и датчик уровня воды, установку теплоснабжения, озонатор. Установка теплоснабжения состоит из скважины для отбора воды через отводящий трубопровод в культивационный сосуд, солнечного нагревателя воды и насоса. В качестве источника сбросных газов использован дизель-генератор, а устройство для очистки и утилизации сбросных газов содержит фильтр с входным и выходным газоходами, с охлаждающим устройством и окислительной камерой