A method for forming a landscape frame of agroecosystems comprising techniques of preserving natural populations of entomophages and activation thereof. At the edges of an agrocenosis and agrolandscape territory at a distance of 15- an accumulation-buffer structure of vegetable biodiversity is formed. Representatives of autochthonous flora dominate comprising 65 % of the entire pool of plants, the rest 35 % are allochthonous species, in the composition of woody plant species such species dominate: small-leaved linden, yallow acacia, Japanese pagoda tree such species dominate among shrubby plants: honeysuckle sweet-berry and goats-leaf, red raspberry, false indigo, alder buckthorn, broom ( herbaceous plant species: garden sage, clary sage and purple sage, field pea. The total area of the buffer structure is at least 0.4- on of agrocenosis, in doing so segetal plants compose at least 1.0-1.5 % of the entire pool. In the early-spring period on the woody and herbaceous plants paper cards with eggs of grain moth glued thereon are exposed. Three techniques of exposing the eggs of said moth are carried out with an interval of 5-6 days, in addition, 95-100 eggs of the grain moth, the age of which does not exceed 20-24 hours, are glued onto each card. Furthermore, in the period of the beginning of mass laying of females of leaf rollers or noctuids three techniques of settling the lepidopterous phytophage egg parasite Trichogramma onto plants are carried out with an interval between settlings of the Trichogramma of 7-8 days, in addition, a rate of settling Trichogramma is 50 80 and 60 thousand individuals per .Спосіб формування ландшафтного каркасу агроекосистем, що включає прийоми збереження природних популяцій ентомофагів та їх активізацію. На границі агроценозу та агроландшафтної території на відстані 15- формують накопичувально-буферну структуру рослинного біорізноманіття, причому не менше 65 % від усього фонду рослин переважають представники автохтонної флори, решта 35 %