The invention is directed to an absorbable/disintegratable, multicomponent, non-migrating endoureteral stent comprising a construct comprising an elastomeric film and a fiber reinforcement, the construct defining at least one position-retaining end, wherein the fiber-reinforcement comprises a) a monofilament coil and a knitted tube of a multifilament yarn, b) a monofilament coil and a braided multifilament yarn, or c) a tube comprising a braided or weft-knitted monofilament yarn, and wherein the construct is tubular with a central main component having a smaller diameter than that of a patient ureter, wherein the at least one position-retaining end is a highly flexible extension of the central main tube, acquiring a loop shape with an open end parallel to the axis of the central main tube after insertion in the patient ureter and the loop can be made co-linear with the central main tube during insertion with an applicator.