abstract disclosed herein are topical dermal compositions comprising particles, wherein the particles comprise a) a biodegradable polymer, and b) a retinoid selected from the group consisting of: and, or a pharmaceutically acceptable salt thereof, wherein the particles have an average diameter between 0.1 µm and 10 µm, and wherein the variables are defined in the specification. The compositions are useful for treating a condition associated with excess sebum production. patent abstract: "targeted release of retinoid compounds to the sebaceous glands". Topical dermal compositions comprising particles, wherein the particles comprise a) a biodegradable polymer, and b) a retinoid compound selected from the group consisting of: (i) and (ii), or pharmaceutically acceptable salt thereof, wherein the particles have an average diameter between 0.1 µm and 10 µm and where the variables are as defined in the descriptive report. The compositions are useful in treating a condition associated with excess sebum production.abstract disclosed herein are topical dermal compositions comprising particles, wherein the particles comprise a) a biodegradable polymer, and b) a retinoid selected from the group consisting of: and , or a pharmaceutically acceptable salt thereof, wherein the particles have an average diameter between 0.1 µm and 10 µm, and wherein the variables are as defined in the specification. the compositions are useful for treating a condition associated with excess sebum production. tradução resumo patente de invenção: "liberação direcionada de compostos retinóides para as glândulas sebáceas". são descritas composições dérmicas tópicas compreendendo partículas, em que as partículas compreendem a) um polímero biodegradável, e b) um composto retinóide selecionado do grupo consistindo em: (i) e (ii), ou sal farmaceuticamente aceitável do mesmo, em que as partículas têm um diâmetro médio entre 0,1 µm e 10 µm e em que as variáveis são como definidas no relatório descritivo. as