The instant disclosure relates to a wearable device for medical care. The device can be worn by the medical staff to help care recipients. The device includes a measuring module, a storing module, and a processing module. The measuring module is utilized to examine the patient in obtaining character-based information. The storing module is used to store character-based data corresponding to the obtained character-based information. The processing module is in electrical connection with the measuring and storing modules. The processing module receives the character-based information from the measuring module, and converts the character-based information into character-based data for storing in the storing module. The conversion is performed after the medical staff has obtained the character-based information of the patient via the measuring module. Thus, the care of recipients by the medical staff can be facilitated, and erroneous data record due to human input can be avoided.一種具醫護功能之穿戴件,適用於醫護人員穿戴及照護受試者,穿戴件包含量測模組、儲存模組及處理模組。量測模組量測受試者以取得特徵資訊。儲存模組儲存對應特徵資訊的特徵資料。處理模組電連接量測模組及儲存模組,處理模組自量測模組接收特徵資訊,轉換為特徵資料並儲存於儲存模組內。醫護人員經由量測模組取得受試者的特徵資訊後,處理模組會將特徵資訊轉換為特徵資料以儲存至儲存模組,可方便醫護人員照護受試者,且能避免發生紀錄錯誤等情事。