FIELD: food industry.SUBSTANCE: present invention relates to a grain product for young children. The grain product includes a hydrolysed whole grain composition, α-amylase or its fragment, moisture content being less than 5 wt %; one performs enrichment with vitamins and minerals. α-amylase or its fragment in an active condition does not display any hydrolytic activity with regard to food fibres. The grain product manufacture method envisages a hydrolysed whole grain composition preparation involving the following stages: a) whole grain component interaction with the enzyme composition in water; the enzyme composition contains at least one α-amylase; the said enzyme composition does not display any hydrolytic activity with regard to food fibres, b) creation of conditions for reaction of the enzyme composition with the whole grain composition with formation of a whole grain hydrolysate, c) obtainment of the hydrolysed whole grain composition by way of the said enzymes inactivation when the said hydrolysate viscosity measured at 65·C is within the range of 50 - mPa•s, preparation of a grain product by way of mixing the hydrolysed whole grain composition with the vitamin-and-mineral premix.EFFECT: invention allows to manufacture a grain product for young children with increased content of whole grains and food fibres with simultaneous preservation of low calorie consumption without organoleptic properties detriment.15 cl, 4 dwg, 7 exНастоящее изобретение относится к зерновому продукту для детей младшего возраста. Зерновой продукт включает гидролизованную цельнозерновую композицию, альфа-амилазу или ее фрагмент, влагосодержание менее 5 масс.%, обогащение витаминами и минералами. При этом альфа-амилаза или ее фрагмент находятся в активном состоянии и не показывают гидролитической активности по отношению к пищевым волокнам. Способ изготовления зернового продукта предусматривает приготовление гидролизованной цельнозерновой композиции, включающее стадии: a) взаимодействия