The present invention is present in the optical rotation measurement device which can be measured with high accuracy and content exists or tissue bio with optical activity, such as blood and molecules, can be reduced in size, organization and biological with optical activity, such as blood and molecular It is an object of the present invention is to provide an optical rotation measuring method can be measured with high accuracy and content. The optical rotation measurement method and optical rotation measuring device of the present invention, the circular polarization mode orthogonal provided nonreciprocal optical system in the middle of the loop optical path of the ring optical interferometer to propagate in both the sample to be measured in order to solve the problems The design, was applied signal processing techniques of the phase modulation Fiber Optic Gyro highest resolution as a ring interferometer as a wavelength range with low loss of non-reciprocal optical element wavelength of the light source.本発明は旋光性をもつ生体や組織、血液、分子などの存在やその含有量を高精度に測定でき、小型化できる旋光測定装置と、旋光性をもつ生体や組織、血液、分子などの存在やその含有量を高精度に測定できる旋光測定方法を提供することを課題とする。課題を解決するために本発明の旋光測定装置および旋光測定方法では、リング光干渉計のループ光路の途中に非相反光学系を設け直交する円偏光モードが被測定試料を両方向に伝播するように設計し、光源波長を非相反光学素子の低損失な波長域としリング干渉計として分解能の最も高い位相変調方式光ファイバジャイロの信号処理技術を適用した。