Ivanov Serhii Oleksandrovych,Іванов Сергій Олександрович,Rozhko Mykola Mykhailovych,Рожко Микола Михайлович
The essence of the invention consists in the hinge connection of the claw with the spiral and the disk in the plane of the vertical axis and the hinge connection of the internal part of the claw (connected to the spiral and the disk) and external part of the claw (connected to the syringe) in the plane of the horizontal axis with the claw itself is folding and consists of two parts. Such design allows for removing the inconveniences due to the rigid attachment of the claw to the disk at the specified angle of 120-125°. At the site of connection between the spiral and the disk, the spiral continues as the axial T-shaped profiled shape, with the claw being rotated around it. The area of the claw encloses the spiral lengthways ending at the surface of the cut curl as the plate with the slit matching the needle. The opposite and behind the disk is hinged onto another part of the claw equipped with the longitudinal groove. The axis of the hinge is directed in perpendicular to the axis of claw rotation around the spiral providing for any convenient angle between the rest site on the disk and the claw with the longitudinal groove. The injection needle is flexed at the angle of 90° while the external part of the claw is held with the fingers. Then the spiral is turned onto the sharpened end of the needle by rotating the disk. For the puncture, the thumb is rest against the site of the disk securing the external claw and the syringe in the palm at the angle that is convenient at the moment.Суть изобретения заключается в шарнирном соединении в плоскости вертикальной оси лапки со спиралью и диском с одной стороны, а с другой - в шарнирном соединении в плоскости горизонтальной оси участков лапки: внутренней, которая связана со спиралью и диском, и внешней, связанной со шприцем, при этом лапка выполнена складной из двух частей. Таким образом устраняются неудобства, обусловленные жестким закреплением лапки с диском под заданным углом 120-125°. На участке соединения с диском спира