1. An applicator for semisolid topical medicament, which comprises an applicator head with a working surface for spreading the drug to the skin, sealingly closable opening on the working surface, and a drive mechanism for the elimination of the drug through the opening, in which the applicator head on the rear side of the working surface is formed cartridge channel for setting the metering end of the cartridge filled with medicament, the drive mechanism is provided with regulating p uchkoy mounted rotatably around the longitudinal axis of the applicator for advancing the piston along the drive element to the head of the applicator to deliver medicament from the cartridge and thereby supply a predetermined dose of a medicament for working poverhnost.2. The applicator of claim 1, wherein the diameter of the working surface is greater than the diameter of the applicator head in the cartridge channel, creating a projection of the working surface to protect the users fingers on the drug and on the working surface of the drug deposited on the skin when using applikatora.3 . Applicator according to claim 1 or 2, wherein the working surface is inclined relative to the longitudinal axis applikatora.4. The applicator of claim 1, further comprising a selector unit comprising said adjusting knob and the selector housing, on which the adjusting knob, with vrascheniya.5. The applicator of claim 4, further comprising a housing, which starts from the head of the applicator and with the selector body, forms a shell for the cartridge, wherein1. Аппликатор для местного нанесения полутвердого лекарственного средства, который содержит головку аппликатора с рабочей поверхностью для намазывания лекарственного средства на кожу, герметично закрываемое отверстие на рабочей поверхности и приводной механизм для выведения лекарственного средства через отверстие, причем в головке аппликатора на задней стороне рабочей поверхности выполнен канал картриджа для установки дозировочного конца картридж