Comprising: a washing machine tub feet, which is composed of a plastic tub that will contain an OVAL STAINLESS STEEL grid to serve as resting and drying area for the feet after being washed and rinsed in the tub,Then the Grid will be covered by a plastic cover that will take the oval shape of the upper part of the Stainless Steel Grill and serve as a Waterproof not to wet the towel was placed on top of the plastic cover oval to Dry completely and let the feet S clean and neat. Applied as device used in Hygiene and relaxation of the feetQUE COMPRENDE: UNA TINA LAVADORA DE PIES, QUE ESTA COMPUESTA POR UNA TINA DE PLASTICO OVALADA QUE VA A CONTENER UNA PARRILLA DE ACERO INOXIDABLE PARA SERVIR DE REPOSO Y ZONA DE SECADO PARA LOS PIES LUEGO DE SER LAVADOS Y ENJUAGADOS DENTRO DE LA TINA, LUEGO DICHA PARRILLA VA HA SER CUBIERTA POR UNA TAPA PLASTICA OVALADA QUE VA HA TOMAR LA FORMA DE LA PARTE SUPERIOR DE LA PARRILLA DE ACERO INOXIDABLE Y QUE SERVIRA DE IMPERMEABLE PARA NO MOJAR LA TOALLA QUE SE COLOCARA ENCIMA DE LA TAPA PLASTICA OVALADA A FIN DE SECAR TOTALMENTE LOS PIES Y DEJARLOS LIMPIOS Y ASEADOS. APLICA COMO DISPOSITIVO USADO EN LA HIGIENE Y RELAJACION DE LOS PIES