In the art to which the utility model, is a medical instrument. The field of application of the utility model is to automate the measurement of the state of muscle tone. the device is designed in a static condition comprises a body, the probe disposed in the bearing sleeve, a piezoelectric transducer, an optical transducer arranged in the form of an optical line to the movable and stationary parts, and registrar containing the power supply, a microcontroller, ADC and the input-output unit with the indicator light, wherein the ADC input is connected to the outputs and piezo optic line, and the ADC output is connected through an input-output module to a microcontroller, wherein the control input of the ADC is connected to the power supply through a normally open opku mounted in the housing, wherein the bearing sleeve is fixed to the housing, the movable part of the optical ruler is fixed on the probe and the fixed part - in the bearing sleeve, the probe is rigidly connected through a piezoelectric transducer with output member driving longitudinal movement, mounted on the housing, wherein the normally open button is provided with two contact groups, the second terminal of which is connected to a control input of the longitudinal displacement drive, and the bearing sleeve is provided with a locking device for the muscle tissue. The technical result is expressed in improving the accuracy and reliability of measurements by making them automatically.Областью техники, к которой относится полезная модель, является медицинское приборостроение. Областью применения полезной модели является автоматизация измерения состояния мышечного тонуса. Конструкция устройства в статическом состоянии содержит корпус, щуп, размещенный в опорной втулке, пьезодатчик, оптический преобразователь, выполненный в виде оптической линейки с подвижной и неподвижной частями, и регистратор, содержащий блок питания, микроконтроллер, АЦП и модуль ввода-вывода со световым индикатором, причем вход АЦП связа