An adhesive patch easily applied to the skin. An adhesivepatch 10 according to the present invention includes a support 12, apressure-sensitive adhesive agent layer 14 provided on one surface ofthe support, a release sheet 16 which is releasably attached to thepressure-sensitive adhesive agent layer, and a weakened part 20 whichis formed in the release sheet, that is for easily dividing the releasesheet, and further, a pinching piece forming sheet 18 is fixed so as tocover the weakened part 20 on the release sheet, and portions of thepinching piece forming sheet other than the fixed portions 22 functionas pinching pieces 18a and 18b, and in the pinching piece forming sheetas well, a weakened part 20 for easily dividing the release sheet isformed at a position corresponding to the weakened part of the releasesheet.