The present invention relates to a method for regulating a flow rate of intravenous fluid ensuring infusion of the fluid at a target flow rate by measuring and regulating the flow rate one time based on a proportional linear relationship between the flow rate and a flow rate by graduations in the flow rate regulator (24) where the fluid graduation marks are imprinted and the flow rate is measured by each fluid graduation mark in a state in which an intravenous fluid set (20) is set up maintaining constant difference in fluid level between fluid in a bottle (10) and a needle (23) wherein the present method comprises: a step of inputting information (S10) which inputs information of a target flow rate, an actual flow rate by graduation having a flow rate by graduation as a value which is corresponded with one specific graduation mark, and an actual flow rate measured by graduation marks of the actual flow rate; a step of acquiring the target flow rate by graduation (S20) which yields the target flow rate by graduation by a relation which equates the ratio of the target flow rate by graduation for target flow rate with the ratio of the actual flow rate by graduation for the actual flow rate; and a step of outputting the target flow rate by graduation (S30) which outputs the target flow rate by graduation.본 발명은 수액병(10) 내의 수액 수위와 주사바늘(23) 사이의 수위차를 일정하게 수액세트(20)를 셋팅한 상태에서 눈금별로 측정한 유량을 눈금유량으로 하여 새긴 유량조절기(24)에서 눈금유량과 유량의 선형적 비례관계에 근거하여 1회의 유량 측정 및 1회의 유량 조절로 목표 유량에 맞춰 수액을 투여하게 하는 수액 유량 조절방법에 관한 것으로서, 목표 유량과, 어느 한 눈금에 대응되는 눈금유량을 값으로 하는 실측 눈금유량과, 실측 눈금유량의 눈금에서 측정한 실측 유량을 입력받는 정보 입력단계(S10); 목표 유량에 대한 목표 눈금유량의 비율이 실측 유량에 대한 실측 눈금유량의 비율과 동일하다는 관계식에 의해 목표 눈금유량을 산출하는 목표 눈금유량 획득단계(S20); 목표 눈금유량을 출력하는 목표 눈금유량 출력단계(S30);를 포함한다.