This Chong Zuo Department Ti Gong mono- Seed Bu Shu Installed are set, and main Needles Right mouse Xi Da Lure catch effectivenessInclude a mouse trapping boxes, has the Single above together Xiang Door Pian With Door File using the circuitous channel , Qie Inter Ge Let of its Love Drill Xi Let You mono- Strip or more, returned to avoid DrillOne socket part, with detachable square formula Even Knot mouse trapping boxes, also Let has Single to Door piece With Door File to InnerAnd Yi Shu ?, Open mouthfuls of offer socket part Chuan Let Gu of Inner Zhi You Lure Bait Yi Tou Over Gas Wei Yin Lure mouse , Qie Let You mono- Ding Da Tight Mi Knot conjunctionAgain mouse trapping boxes, its portion Inner Tao Jie Bu With Single Xiang Door pieces with Ge Yin Cai System atJi Ci Let Meter, enable mouse Cis Chang Jin Ru Shu ?Inner feedings or even Hu Peng Knot with preceding shared, the roads Dan Neng Jin They No can move back, You Zu Absolutely its logical News emergency letter No. Er No normal direction outside seek help the mousing benefit of , Da Dao Geng Indeed Real.本創作係提供一種捕鼠裝置,主要針對老鼠習性達誘捕效用;包括有一捕鼠箱,利用其愛鑽習性設有一條以上之迂迴通道,且間隔設有一道以上之單向門片與門檔,以避免鑽回;一套接部,以可拆卸方式連結捕鼠箱,內亦設有單向門片與門檔;及一鼠籠,內置有誘餌以透過氣味引誘老鼠,且設有一開口提供套接部之穿設固定達緊密結合;又捕鼠箱、套接部與其內部之單向門片均以隔音材製成;藉此設計,使老鼠能順暢進入鼠籠內取食,甚至呼朋結伴前共享,但能進卻無路可退,又阻絕其通訊求救信號而無法向外求助,達到更確實之捕鼠效益。