A method of presenting glucose data from a blood glucose meter is provided inwhich an effective meal average (EMA) is presented (500), followed by theindividual values that make up the EMA (510-530), to provide improved feedbackdata for patients who need to alter their dose of insulin. EMA can comprise ameasurement of the variability of its constituent values. EMA encompassesthose values that occur at specified times (e.g., 1 hour before and 1 hourafter a specified mealtime). EMA is calculated over a limited number of daysprevious to the calculation (e.g., 3 days) and has a minimum number of valuesthat must be obtained within the time and date ranges. An algorithm allows forexclusion of any given reading from the average. Patients can use 1 to 8 EMAon any given date range (e.g. preferably 4, that is, breakfast, lunch, supperand bedtime snack).