1. A system for measuring the blood sample from the blood analyte concentration, comprising: a disposable housing having a skin-piercing member configured to pierce a users skin in the area of the puncture to ensure accumulation of blood on the surface of the puncture area, and the measuring element imnogorazovy housing having at least one mechanical actuator, wherein when connecting said reusable housing with said disposable shell: said at least one mechanical actuator configured to manipulate said single skin piercing element to pierce the skin in the puncture after the activation of the actuator iukazanny measuring element configured to collect at least part of the blood that accumulates on the surface of said puncture area for a predetermined time after piercing, and for measuring the concentration of analyte in the collected krovi.2. The system of claim. 1, in which the reusable housing comprises a transceiver configured to transmit a measurement result of said analyte concentration remote ustroystvu.3. The system of claim. 1, wherein said predetermined time is determined by measuring the amount of blood accumulated near field prokola.4. The system of claim. 3, wherein the body comprises a disposable optical element for measuring the amount of blood accumulated near field prokola.5. The system of claim. 1 in which a disposable body and / or reusable housing further comprises at least one element for seizing the tissue therapy1. Система для измерения концентрации анализируемого вещества в крови из образца крови, содержащая:одноразовый корпус, имеющий прокалывающий кожу элемент, выполненный с возможностью прокалывания кожи пользователя в области прокола для обеспечения скапливания крови на поверхности области прокола, и измерительный элемент имногоразовый корпус, имеющий по меньшей мере один механический приводпри этом при соединении указанного многоразового корпуса с указанным одноразовым корпусом:указанный по меньшей мере один механический привод выполнен с в