Государственное бюджетное учреждение здравоохранения города Москвы «Научно-исследовательский институт скорой помощи им. Н.В. Склифосовского Департамента здравоохранения города Москвы» (ГБУЗ "НИИ СП ИМ
Водясов Антон Вячеславович (RU),Ярцев Петр Андреевич (RU),Копалиани Давид Мамукаевич (RU)
The useful model relates to medical technology, namely to obturating agents that can be used in abdominal surgery for the treatment of external intestinal fistulas (LNF), both formed and unformed with obstruction of the intestinal wall defects from the inside of the lumen.The obturator for the treatment of external intestinal fistulas includes a flexible obturating flap in the form of a curved plate made of a shape memory material that can be placed in the intestinal lumen to ensure that the fistulous defect is closed by its outer surface, provided with longitudinal clamping edges, as well as inlet and outlet channels, where the outlet the inlet channel is located on the inner side of the plate, and the outlet of the outlet channel is located on the side of the outer surface of the plate, while the inlet and outlet channels are formed in a tube connected to the plate from the side of its outer surface. The plate is radially curved, extended in the axial direction and divided along its length into three sections - central and peripheral, where the central section is made with a constant radius of curvature, and the peripheral section - with increasing from the center to the periphery.The use of the obturator helps to shorten the treatment time for NCC due to reliable fixation of the obturator in the intestinal lumen and closing the fistulous opening, minimizing intestinal losses, in combination with the possibility of additional low pressure therapy, administration of electrolyte solutions and enteral nutrition.Полезная модель относится к медицинской технике, а именно к обтурирующим средствам, которые могут быть использованы в абдоминальной хирургии для лечения наружных кишечных свищей (НКС), как сформированных, так и несформированных с обтурацией дефектов кишечной стенки изнутри просвета.Обтуратор для лечения наружных кишечных свищей включает гибкую обтурирующую заслонку в виде изогнутой пластины, выполненной из материала с памятью формы с возможностью размещения в