The occasion where the fermentation processing by the microbe concerning the coffee raw bean is executed, preventing the pollution of the various germs which produce acetic acid, it offers the processing method of the coffee raw bean which can grant good quality fragrance taste to the coffee beverage anew. Because of this, fermenting with the contact with the resources transformation amount and the microbe for fermentation processing, it makes with the aforementioned resources transformation amount and the microbe for the aforementioned fermentation processing contact inside the range of the pH which controls the multiplication of the microbe which produces acetic acid in the aforementioned fermentation process of processing method of the coffee raw bean which includes the fermentation process which makes the fermentation component which it occurs because of this the coffee raw bean grant.コーヒー生豆について微生物による発酵処理を実施する際、酢酸を産生する雑菌の汚染を防止して、コーヒー飲料に新たに良質な香味を付与することのできるコーヒー生豆の処理方法を提供する。このため、資化成分と発酵処理用微生物との接触により発酵させて、これにより生じた発酵成分をコーヒー生豆に付与させる発酵工程を包含するコーヒー生豆の処理方法の前記発酵工程において、酢酸を産生する微生物の増殖を抑制するpHの範囲内で前記資化成分と前記発酵処理用微生物とを接触させる。