The present invention relates to an apparatus for inspecting the fundus of the eye, comprising:—lighting means configured to project a light beam for illuminating the retina of one eye and—an optical path comprising one or more lenses configured to optically conjugate the retina with a receiving surface of acquisition means configured to acquire one or more images of the retina and—a beam splitter device configured to divert a part of the light, which is reflected by the retina and directed towards said acquisition means, towards first photosensitive elements and—a control unit operatively associated with said first photosensitive elements, said acquisition means and said lighting means, said control unit deactivating said lighting means when the light energy received from said first photosensitive elements overcomes a predefined threshold value and—first LED devices configured to project light targets onto the retina, which the patient must stare to keep the eye still during the examination. The mentioned first photosensitive elements and first LED devices are arranged together in a single integrated optical unit configured to receive light from the retina and to project light onto the retina through said beam splitter device.