A stent (1) comprising a plurality of annular members (3) arranged adjacent to each other and connected to each other by a connection network (7) having a serpentine pattern, and at least one thin film (2) Are arranged in a state in which the shapes of the connecting net portions (7) between the adjacent annular members (3) are matched in the connecting net portion (7), and the connecting net portions ( 7) is provided with a flexible tongue (6) which is elastically movable with respect to the thin film (2), the flexible tongue (6) and the connecting net (7). A stent graft characterized by being clamped in between.隣接して配置されると共に、蛇行パターンを有する接続網部(7)によって互いに接続された、複数の環状部材(3)を有してなるステント(1)と、少なくとも1つの薄膜(2)とを備え、隣接する前記環状部材(3)の間の複数の前記接続網部(7)に、該接続網部(7)内に形状が合致した状態で配置されると共に、該接続網部(7)に対して弾力的に移動自在である可撓性舌状部(6)が、設けられ、薄膜(2)が、前記可撓性舌状部(6)と接続網部(7)の間に、留められたことを特徴とする、ステントグラフト。