Method and the device which cover blood vessel wounding include, wounding (w) from the guide wire which extends (58) and/or the other surgical operation instrument (32). The sponge condition stopping bleeding material (80) advances and, on the surgical operation instrument the blood vessel which surrounds wounding (94) is contacted the territory. The surgical operation instrument (32), it is removed. The blood (b) soaks the stopping bleeding material (80), in interxylary blood clotting is promoted by the stopping bleeding medicine. It is possible to shut in the blood style in the sponge, the adhesive (106) the sealing up layer which consists of, the sponge condition material (80) to in addition. Therefore, blood vessel stab wounding (w), it is sealed up by the blood clotting lump formation of the natural blood.血管創傷をふさぐ方法および装置が、創傷(w)から延びるガイドワイヤ(58)および/または他の外科手術器具(32)を含む。スポンジ状止血材(80)が、外科手術器具上を前進させられ創傷を囲む血管(94)の領域に接触させられる。外科手術器具(32)は、取り外される。血液(b)が止血材(80)に染み込み、材内において止血薬により血液凝固が促進される。接着剤(106)からなる密封層が、スポンジ状材(80)に加えられ、スポンジに血流を閉じこめることができる。従って、血管穿刺創傷(w)は、自然な血液の凝血塊形成により密封される。