A system and method for using near-infrared or short-wave infrared (SWIR) light sources between approximately 1.4-1.8 microns, 2-2.5 microns, 1.4-2.4 microns, 1-1.8 microns for active remote sensing or hyper-spectral imaging for detection of natural gas leaks or exploration sense the presence of hydro-carbon gases such as methane and ethane. Most hydro-carbons (gases, liquids and solids) exhibit spectral features in the SWIR, which may also coincide with atmospheric transmission windows (e.g., approximately 1.4-1.8 microns or 2-2.5 microns). Active remote sensing or hyper-spectral imaging systems may include a fiber-based super-continuum laser and a detection system and may reside on an aircraft, vehicle, handheld, or stationary platform. Super-continuum sources may emit light in the near-infrared or SWIR. An imaging spectrometer or a gas-filter correlation radiometer may be used to identify substances or materials such as oil spills, geology and mineralogy, vegetation, greenhouse gases, construction materials, plastics, explosives, fertilizers, paints, or drugs.