T. lt; P gt; current invention; oacute; n refers to medicinal materials and amp compounds; eacute; compressed forms of medicinal materials, including niraparib compounds as medicinal materials and amp components; eacute; active materials suitable for the management of CI amp; oacute; n oral, as amp; Iacute; a amp; eacute; all materials used for its CI amp; oacute; N. In this document, tambi amp; eacute; n describes niararib containing compression compounds composed of M amp; eacute; all the components described, as well as the treatment and use of amperes; eacute; the compressions of these components for the treatment of various disorders and diseases; lt; P gt;<;p>;LA PRESENTE INVENCIÓ;N SE REFIERE A COMPOSICIONES FARMACÉ;UTICAS EN FORMA DE COMPRIMIDOS QUE COMPRENDEN EL COMPUESTO NIRAPARIB COMO INGREDIENTE FARMACÉ;UTICO ACTIVO, ADECUADAS PARA LA ADMINISTRACIÓ;N ORAL, ASÍ; COMO A MÉ;TODOS PARA SU PREPARACIÓ;N. EN LA PRESENTE TAMBIÉ;N SE DESCRIBEN COMPOSICIONES EN FORMA DE COMPRIMIDOS QUE CONTIENEN NIRAPARIB FORMADAS MEDIANTE LOS MÉ;TODOS DESCRITOS, Y LOS USOS TERAPÉ;UTICOS DE DICHAS COMPOSICIONES EN FORMA DE COMPRIMIDOS PARA TRATAR DIVERSOS TRASTORNOS Y AFECCIONES.<;/p>;