Abscisic Acid (ABA) a naturally occurring plant hormone has been identified in this invention with potent properties to fight cancer. ABA is able to produce a hyperpolarization condition on plasma membrane through a decrease of intracellular Na+ and K+. Such phenomenon is produced in cancer cells by mediation of ion channel and activation of the signaling G-protein pathway. ABA aborting sustained depolarization in malignant tissue will produce a change in the configurational state of cell from damage to a normal state. Additionally, a positive polarization of hCG outer layer accomplished through a removal of electrons will permit immune system cells coming close to cancer cells for destruction. The ABA discovery functioning as a cytokine in human granulocytes and anticancer properties late researches, confirm ABA as the key substance used by immune system cells against cancer. ABA cant be biosynthesized and degraded in a cancer anaerobic metabolism lacking in oxygen.