The present invention relates to generally to the field of green house / polyhouse construction, and more particularly to provide a green house / poly house in order get more production and less expenditure inside the green house / polyhouse by increasing percentage of ventilations and air circulation. The present invention provides an improved green house / polyhouse having Ventilation at gutter level and Ventilation at gable side which enables more structural strength to resist at higher wind speed due to column support at each gutter level. As there is a ventilation at gutter level gutter coil remains cool which does not allows increase in temperature inside, which results in passing of lower side hot air goes outside quickly than other, further the polythene will remains at normal temperature which will increases its life. Ventilation at gutter level controls the wind pressure and that avoids breaking of polythenes. The present invention of Green house / poly house is provided with an Insect proof net at each opening to avoid insect entry inside greenhouse further due to the lower healthy temperature percentage of pests reduces which increases productivity of crop and it also enhances comfortness of workers.