The purpose of the invention is a technological line for the creation and /or reproduction of non -flying insects and /or larval forms of insects, in which it includes at least one level, the level being an autonomous carrier belt (11) with side walls (6a, 6b) positioned on both sides on LON The movement direction of the conveyor belt, having upper edges curved inwards at least once, with the angle of folding (a) of the edge of each side wall not less than 30th,Preferably between 30th and 90th,And transverse supports (12) generally extending perpendicular to the side walls (6a, 6b),Supporting the carrier belt (11),Connecting opposite profiled side walls (6a, 6b),Whereas the profiled side walls (6a, 6b) are also structural elements supporting longitudinal edge of the carrier belt (11),So that both conveyor belt (11) and lateral walls (6a, 6b) form a flow profile, and the pressure of the insect mass, which are on the surface of the conveyor belt (11) and potentially additionally of food and /or insect excretion pressure down under Are the longitudinal edges of the conveyor belt (11) against the perqueued side walls (6a, 6b);Where both transverse media (12) and profiled side walls (6a, 6b) are made of a material with efficient heat conduction properties. The invention also refers to a modular system of technological lines for the creation and /or reproduction of non -flying insects and /or larval forms of insects, a method of creation and /or reproduction of non -flying insects and /or larval forms of insects and the use of the technological and A modular system of invention for the creation and /or reproduction of non -flying insects and /or larval forms of insects.o objetivo da invenção é uma linha tecnológica para criação e/ou reprodução de insetos não voadores e/ou formas larvais de insetos, em que inclui pelo menos um nível, o nível sendo uma cinta transportadora autônoma (11) com paredes laterais (6a, 6b) posicionadas em ambos os lados ao longo da direção de movi