Сафиулин Зуфар Тухватович,Ткаченко Андрей Геннадьевич
1. A method of preventing premature aging, comprising the oral administration of complexes of the peptide of animal origin, characterized in that the preparatory procedure Advanced- performed by purifying castor oil intestine at a dose of 20-25 ml fasted for 3-4 hours prior to sleep on three consecutive days - the fourth day for 3-12 months in the first half of the day taking 0.5-1.0 l 2-10 techniques softened water with a hardness equivalent to 0.2 mg / dm, acidified with citric acid is not more than 1.5 g per 1 liter softened water or acidified 6% apple or table th vinegar not more than 15 ml per 1 liter of demineralized water, and fasting for 10-60 minutes before sleep sips alkalized with baking soda water, heated to 38-45 ° C, not more than 1.5 g per 1 liter of water in an amount of 0, 2-0,3 liters of demineralized water at a time - the fourth day of the first month every day for the second month in a day on an empty stomach 10-60 minutes before bedtime take enterosorbent - during the first and second month take one tablet a day, every day, "peptide complex ENI-SALA 1, spleen peptides" and "peptide complex ENI-SALA 11, thyroid Well peptides lezy "in the morning for 15-30 minutes before meals and "peptide complex ENI-SALA 2, liver peptides" on an empty stomach 10-60 minutes before bedtime one tablet - the second month during one year in the morning for 15-30 minutes before meals take "Peptide complex ENI-SALA 3, multiorgan peptide complex "one tablet every other day - taking synthetic vitamin and mineral complex and / or germinated grains extruded sticks" Sun Crimean ENI-SALA ».2. The method of claim. 1, characterized in that as a synthetic vitamin and mineral complex accept "Vitrum" within1. Способ профилактики преждевременного старения, включающий пероральный прием пептидных комплексов животного происхождения, отличающийся тем, что дополнительно- проводят подготовительную процедуру путем очищения кишечника касторовым маслом в дозировке 20-25 мл натощак за 3-4 ч