The invention relates to a mobile automatic system based on neural networks for classifying focal hepatic formations and tumours. According to the invention, the system comprises a mobile unit (4) for the acquisition of patients input data which are then converted into logic values and introduced into an input layer of 15 neurons (10) together with some sequences of values resulting from the analysis of the time variation of maximal colour intensity in some zones of interest comprising a tumour formation and a non-tumour zone, in a video record of the echographic investigation with contrast agent, by means of a matrix which contains a variable number of input neurons (17), and a central computerized system (6) which contains an information taking over interface (7) a data base (8) and an assembly of neural networks (9) comprising two consecutive neural networks of 15 input neurons (10) and two neurons (15 or 16), respectively, and a matrix (17) of input neurons which takes over data from a video record of the echographic investigation with contrast agent, an intermediate layer (11) and two intermediate layers (18 and 22), respectively, and an output layer (26) of five neurons processing the information, to offer the doctor an immediate response by means of the same mobile device, the said response being saved, as well, into the data base (8), the doctor introducing then a value (27) of classification to re-train the system offering new weight factors for some input values (13, 20 and 24).Invenţia se referă la un sistem automat mobil, pe bază de reţele neuronale, pentru clasificarea formaţiunilor hepatice focale, tumorale hepatice. Sistemul conform invenţiei este constituit dintr-o unitate (4) mobilă de introducere a unor date de intrare ale unui pacient, ce sunt convertite în valori logice şi introduse într-un strat de intrare cu 15 neuroni (10), împreună cu nişte şiruri de valori rezultate din analiza variaţiei în timp a intensităţii maxime a culorii din nişte zo