Heterocyclic derivatives of amines; receptors associated with trace minerals of TAAR1; preparation procedures; pharmaceutical ingredients; and those used to treat or prevent depression, anxiety disorder, Parkinson's disease, bipolar disorder, high activity and attention deficit Pressure people, and others
Heterocyclic Amine Compounds; related receptors associated with mine Trace TAAR1, Preparation Method, Pharmaceutical Composition and its use for the Treatment or prophylaxis of depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, Parkinson's disease, Attention deficit hyperactivity Related to stress, among others.<;p>;COMPUESTOS DERIVADOS HETEROCÍ;CLICOS DE AMIRIA DE LA FÓ;RMULA 1 AFINES A RECEPTORES ASOCIADOS A AMINAS TRAZA TAAR1; PROCEDIMIENTO DE PREPARACIÓ;N; COMPOSICIÓ;N FARMACÉ;UTICA; Y SU USO PARA EL TRATAMIENTO O PROFILAXIS DE LA DEPRESIÓ;N, ANSIEDAD, PARKINSON, TRASTORNO BIPOLAR, TRASTORNO DE HIPERACTIVIDAD CON DÉ;FICIT ATENCIONAL, TRASTORNOS RELACIONADOS CON EL ESTRÉ;S, ENTRE OTROS.<;/p>;<;p>; ;  ;<;/p>;<;p>; ;<;/p>;<;p>; ;<;/p>;