1. A device for monitoring one or more parameters of the surgical patients eye during many sessions, which are spaced in time and between which the patients eye may be moving, the apparatus comprising: a chamber for receiving one or more images of the eye a module for determining during the first a session of the at least one eye surgical parameter and its coordinates based on an image obtained by said camera in a first coordinate system module for determining during sec th session diversity in time relative to said first session of said at least one surgical parameter is eyes and its coordinates based on the resultant of said camera image in the second coordinate system module for determining displacement eyes of six degrees of freedom between said first and said second session, and to determine the coordinate conversion, based on this, a module for converting, based on said specific eye movement, said at it least one surgical parameter is eyes and its coordinates from said first coordinate system to said second coordinate system module to quantify and / or visualization of changes of said at least one surgical parameter of the eye and coordinate between said first iupomyanutym second sessions based on said surgical parameter is eyes and its coordinates measured during said second session, and said transformed parameter surgical eye and coordinate1. Устройство для мониторинга одного или более хирургических параметров глаза пациента на протяжении многих сеансов, которые разнесены во времени и между которыми глаз пациента может иметь перемещение, при этом устройство содержит:камеру для получения одного или более изображений глазамодуль для определения во время первого сеанса упомянутого, по меньшей мере одного хирургического параметра глаза и его координат, основываясь на изображении, полученном упомянутой камерой, в первой системе координатмодуль для определения во время второго сеанса, разнесенного во времени относительно упомянутого первого сеанса, упомянутого, по