Apparatuses and methods are provided for the treatment of lateralepicondylitis (tennis elbow) via the stretching of an affected user'srestrictedmuscle(s), be it the extensor digitorum communis (EDC), extensor carpiradialis brevis (ECRB), supinator muscle, or any combination thereof. Theapparatus can comprise various adjustable straps and rigid membersconfigured to secure the apparatus to the user's arm and hold the user'sinterphalangeal joints, metacarpal phalangeal joints, and wrist in flexion,theuser's forearm in pronation, and the user's elbow in extension. Thiscombination of joint positions can constitute a desired position which, whenheld for prolonged periods can cause the elongation of the restricted muscletissue. This in turn can cause relief of the user's symptoms of lateralepicondylitis.