A kind of jaundice illuminating apparatus, a kind of non-conductive light-conducting substance is mainly set in a clothes, emit light to the light-conducting substance by a circumscribed light source generator, human body (such as newborn baby) is set to wear clothes Hou, it can be with electric isolution, the irradiation treatment of safety is carried out, to reduce icterus index. This device can be worn on a human body, and will not occupy additional space, and the light and handy, low cost, easy to operate by what device, be suitble to general family's purchase to use from exercising, allowed parent that can look after child nearby, in addition, conductive materials to be free of on clothes, using upper quite safe.一種黃疸照光裝置,主要是在一服裝內設置一種不導電之導光物質,藉由一外接式光源發生器發射光線至該導光物質,使人體(例如初生嬰兒)穿著該服裝後,可在與電隔離的情況下,進行安全性的照光治療,以降低黃疸指數。此裝置可穿著在身上,不會占用額外的空間,且由於裝置輕巧、造價便宜、操作簡單,適合一般家庭購買來自行使用,讓家長能就近照顧幼兒,又,服裝上不含導電物質,使用上相當安全。