A box with food and water bowls, whose lid (2) is raised by an animal presses on a platform (4), in front of the box (1), allows animals to have access to the food bowl (5) and the water bowl (6), only when the animal stands upon the platform (4). The weight of the animal creates a pressure force (G) on the platform (4), which is connected to a lid (2) by means of a lever (3), thereby causing the lid (2) to raise and open the box (1). The box remains open until the animal walks off the platform (12) and move from the box (1), whereby the lid (2) is dropping and the box (1) is closed. The food and water inside the box (1) are protected against atmospheric conditions, other vermin, mice, birds or insects, and food use time is extended and at the same time hygiene is increased.Kutija sa posudama za hranu i vodu, čiji se poklopac (2) podiže ako životinja nagazi gazište (4), ispred kutije (1), čime se omogućava da posuda (5) sa hranom i posuda (6) sa vodom, budu dostupne životinjama samo kad životinja nagazi na gazište (4). Životinja svojom masom stvara silu pritiska (G) na gazište (4), koje je vezano polugama (3) sa poklopcem kutije (2), usled čega se poklopac (2) podiže i otvara kutiju (1). Kutija (1) ostaje otvorena sve dok se životinja ne pomeri od kutije (1), tj. dok ne siđe sa gazišta (4), usled čega se poklopac (2) spušta i zatvara kutiju (1). Na taj način se hrana i voda, unutar posude , štite od spoljnih atmosferskih uticaja, drugih glodara, miševa, ptica ili insekata, a produžava joj se i rok trajanja, uz istovremeno povećanje higijene.