This Chong works are related to Yi Seed Infants Child Yong Nursing Pads Xing Ring and protect cloth urine Trousers, including urinating Trousers Zhu Body, Mo Intraoperative Stickers are Ji Nursing Pads, the Mo Intraoperative Stickers Let are set on the waist Wai Side of the urine Trousers Zhu Body, Suo Shu Nursing Pads Let are set in the urine faces the Trousers Zhu Body Inner parts Zhong Inter, Fang Zhong Inter Let are equipped with one of Bomb power Hou waists Wai Shang the outsides urine Trousers Zhu Body, Top Bu Zhong Inter Let are equipped with Hou Yao Head above the faces the urine Trousers Zhu Body Inner, the Hou Yao Head Xia Fang With Two Side Mo Intraoperative Stickers Wei Zhi Even meet Office Zhong Inter Let and are equipped with Hou waist Wai Fang Lou Yao Stickers, the vertical direction Two Side Let of Suo Shu Nursing Pads are equipped with Li Body leakproofs every Side, Suo Shu Nursing Pads tables Layer by cotton Bu System at, the portions Inner by San Layer Twin Mian Polyester ?Mao Jin Bu System at, the portions urine Trousers Inner table Layer full Mian System at, the anti-water Complex of cover Inner Layer As PVC outside Trousers are urinated to close. This Chong Zuo structure Jane Single can weigh Complex and wear and wash, and Fang Bian Geng Change Ring protect urine Trousers, and leakproof Xiao Guo Very are good, Fang Bian Carrying Tapes.本創作涉及一種嬰兒用護墊型環保布尿褲,包括尿褲主體、魔術貼及護墊,所述魔術貼設置在所述尿褲主體的腰圍邊上,所述護墊設置在尿褲主體內面的中間部分,所述尿褲主體外面上方中間設置有一道彈力後腰圍,所述尿褲主體內面上方頂部中間設置有後腰頭,所述後腰頭下方與兩側魔術貼位置連接處中間設置有後腰圍防漏腰貼,所述護墊的垂直方向兩側設置有立體防漏隔邊,所述護墊表層由全棉布製成,內部由三層雙面滌錦毛巾布製成,所述尿褲內部表層全棉製成,尿褲外部罩面內層為PVC防水複合。本創作結構簡單,可重復穿洗,方便更換的環保尿褲,其防漏效果極佳,方便攜帶。