T. LT; P GT; current invention; Oacute; N is aimed at obtaining a kind of Mol Amp; EACUTE; CUT; CUL; IACUTE; A anti-reperentiation A (ORGMA) with high activity Uni AMP; OACUTE; N, and a few side effects that can be used as preventive drugs.Treatment or prevention of acute respiratory syndrome and goiter; IACUTE; neurological and amphetamine diseases; Oacute; CICO or immunity and amphetamine; Oacute; and The solution to this problem is to provide a protein and amperometric; IACUTE; NA de Uni AMP; OACUTE; N-type isolated organic matter, which will not inhibit Uni AMP; OACUTE; N-type organic matter and new Genina, but will neutralize the proliferation and non-proliferation activities; OACUTE; N-type organic neuron,It is preferable to provide an anti-organic antibody containing complementary determinant regions in the sequence of ammonium carbamate and amphetamine, AACUTE, SAQ ID Nos: 30-35 or SEQ ID No: 36-40.And SFG, LT, / P GT;<;p>;LA PRESENTE INVENCIÓ;N TIENE POR OBJETO OBTENER UNA MOLÉ;CULA GUÍ;A ANTI-REPELENTE A (RGMA) QUE TENGA UNA ALTA ACTIVIDAD DE UNIÓ;N Y POCOS EFECTOS SECUNDARIOS QUE SE PUEDAN USAR COMO MEDICAMENTO PARA PREVENIR, TRATAR O PREVENIR LA RECAÍ;DA DE ENFERMEDADES NEUROLÓ;GICAS O INMUNOLÓ;GICAS. EL PROBLEMA SE RESUELVE PROPORCIONANDO UNA PROTEÍ;NA DE UNIÓ;N A RGMA AISLADA QUE NO INHIBE LA UNIÓ;N ENTRE RGMA Y NEOGENINA SINO QUE NEUTRALIZA LA ACTIVIDAD INHIBIDORA DE LA PROLIFERACIÓ;N DE NEURITAS DE RGMA, PREFERIBLEMENTE PROPORCIONANDO UN ANTICUERPO ANTI-RGMA QUE TIENE REGIONES DETERMINANTES DE COMPLEMENTARIEDAD QUE TIENEN SECUENCIAS DE AMINOÁ;CIDOS DE SEQ ID NOS: 30-35 O SEQ ID NO: 36-40 EN EL LISTADO DE SECUENCIAS, Y SFG.<;/p>;