The object of the invention is the method of dehydration and pressing of hard coal and the device for its continuous implementation with a non-homogeneous structure, in particular the density of milk proteins obtained by acid, subcutaneous acid, thermal acid or subcutaneous coagulation. The method of dehydration and grinding of the hardness by pre-separating the napkin and placing the dehydrated hardness grain on an endless filter strip with a uniformly distributed hardness layer is characterised by this,that pre-dehydrated hard grains placed on an endless filter strip are subjected to multi-stage pressing with total dispersion after each degree of hardening of the hard grain, each successive ironing step shall be carried out with a greater pressing force than the previous one. Hardcore defrosting and ironing equipment, having an inlet manifold, an influential gutter,a filter drum or an occipital sieve and an endless conveyor filter tape attached to one end of the cylinder with a regulated stressor, and, at the other end, on the last expansion shaft fitted with a motor-driven motor-conductor with adjustable rotations and additionally supported on steering wheels, it is characterised by having several consecutive pressing drums (8) with decreasing diameter of each successive one behind which the expansion drums are fitted (9),and the filter strip (5) in the form of a conveyor without end passes through the pressing drums (8) from the bottom and the expanding drums (9) from the top, and the last expanding drum is equipped with a pick-up sheet (12).Przedmiotem wynalazku jest sposób odwadniania i prasowania twarogu oraz urządzenie do jego realizacji w sposób ciągły o niejednorodnej strukturze, zwłaszcza gęstwy białek mleka otrzymanych w wyniku koagulacji kwasowej, kwasowo - podpuszczkowej, termiczno - kwasowej lub podpuszczkowej. Sposób odwadniania i prasowania twarogu z zastosowaniem wstępnego oddzielenia serwatki i umieszczenie odwodnionego ziarna twarogowego na taśmi