In a liquid medium, with the agent components, even in the contact lens solution of the compound having the molecular structure of the tubular has been allowed to content such as cyclodextrins, and cyclic or drug action of the drug component is caused to exhibit advantageously it is a problem to be solved, and that is to provide a contact lens solution that may be. With the agent given component, in a liquid medium which is formed by allowed containing the compound A having the molecular structure of the tubular, further contains a compound B which may be the inclusion in the compound A and has a chain-like molecular structure is cyclic or It was, thus, in the pores of cylindrical, competitively with the drug moiety, compound B is made to be inclusion, it is arranged to control advantageously the drug action of the drug component can be cyclic or Compound A .液体媒体中に、薬剤成分と共に、シクロデキストリンのような、環状乃至は筒状の分子構造を有する化合物が含有せしめられたコンタクトレンズ用液剤であっても、薬剤成分の薬剤作用が有利に発揮せしめられ得るコンタクトレンズ用液剤を提供することを、解決課題とする。所定の薬剤成分と共に、環状乃至は筒状の分子構造を有する化合物Aを含有せしめてなる液体媒体中に、更に、鎖状分子構造を有し且つ前記化合物Aに包接され得る化合物Bを含有させ、それにより、化合物Aの環状乃至は筒状の空孔内に、薬剤成分と競合的に、化合物Bが包接されるようにして、薬剤成分の薬剤作用を有利に制御するようにした。