АБРАХАМ Хосе К. (US),НХАН Дэвис Дан Хоан (US),ТАУЭР Теодор Т. (US),КРАУТКРАМЕР Кэндес Дайан (US),РИЧАРДСОН Кэти Джерелин (US),МАКДОНАЛЬД Джон Гэвин (US)
1. An electronic discriminator device comprising: a set of electronic proximity sensors, gas sensors, comprising providing monitoring of concentration levels of the gases emitted by the two or more volatile compounds present in the absorbent article, a controller configured to receive information from a set of proximity sensors and to determine, on based on said information, whether the detected intake contaminants urine or products defecation, wherein the controller is further configured to distinguish the arrival only urine from the receipt of impurities containing products defecation isignalnoe device capable of communication with the controller and generating a first signal when the controller detects the presence of in the absorbent article only urine, and a second signal when the controller detects the presence of impurities containing products defekatsii.2. Recognizing device according to Claim. 1 further comprising a housing blok.3. Recognizing device according to claim. 1, wherein the set of electronic contactless sensor adapted to monitor gas concentration levels of fatty alcohols, fatty acids and short chain compounds sery.4. Recognizing device according to claim. 3, wherein the set of electronic contactless sensor adapted to monitor gas concentration levels associated with the ammonia and indolom.5 thiols. Recognizes the device according to claim. 1, wherein the set of contactless electronic sensors configured to monitor gas concentration levels1. Электронное распознающее устройство, содержащее:комплект бесконтактных электронных датчиков, содержащий газовые датчики и обеспечивающий мониторинг уровней концентрации газов, испускаемых двумя или более летучими соединениями, присутствующими во впитывающем изделииконтроллер, сконфигурированный для получения информации от комплекта бесконтактных датчиков и для определения, на основе указанной информации, было ли детектировано поступление загрязнений мочи или продуктов дефекации, при этом контроллер дополнительн