1. A method of treating degenerative disc disease of the spine with the protrusions and hernias of intervertebral disc by traction of the spine, characterized in that the conduct of eighteen or twenty sessions traction effects in the treatment of cervical, respectively, or lumbar spine alternately conducted stretching and muscle relaxation during the session, with the increase of the traction force from session to session, and the effects of traction is applied to one of the intervertebral disc and traction after exposure is carried out cooling the spinal segment, which has been exposed to traction and orthotics pozvonochnika.2 relevant department. A method for treating osteoarthritis of the spine according to claim 1, characterized in that the traction eighteen treatments effects in the treatment of the cervical spine is performed on an apparatus according DRX9500 circuit consisting of ten and eight daily sessions through session day.3. A method for treating osteoarthritis of the spine according to claim 1, characterized in that the traction twenty sessions effects in the treatment of lumbar spine was performed on an apparatus according DRX9000 circuit consisting of ten daily sessions and ten sessions through day.4. A method for treating osteoarthritis of the spine of claim 1, characterized in that during a session traction exposure performed twenty cycles of stretching and relaxing myshts.5. A method for treating osteoarthritis of the spine of claim 1, wherein said orthotics spine segment which has been subjected to the effects of traction is carried out for 60 minutes.1. Способ лечения остеохондроза позвоночника с протрузиями и грыжами межпозвонковых дисков путем тракции позвоночника, отличающийся тем, что проводят восемнадцать или двадцать сеансов тракционного воздействия при лечении соответственно шейного или поясничного отделов позвоночника с чередованием проводимых вытяжений и расслаблений мышц в течение сеанса, с нарастанием силы вытяжения от сеанса к сеансу