The disposable pessary device of non expansion type is offered. The pessary device, apex and cartridge head, length and the outer part surface, longitudinal direction axis, has had the smallest diameter which is smaller than maximum diameter, and this maximum diameter. The pessary device in order in order to offer pressure to the urethra of the user via the vaginal wall, to extend with the front vaginal wall and the rear vaginal wall of the user, includes the pressure zone adaptation. The pressure zone includes maximum diameter. Furthermore, the outer part surface after the device is removed from the vagina of the user, is visible in the user which looks at the outer part surface of the device, the use indicator is included.非膨張式の使い捨てペッサリー装置が提供される。ペッサリー装置は、頂部、底部、長さ、外側表面、長手方向軸線、最大直径、及びこの最大直径より小さい最小直径を有している。ペッサリー装置は、膣壁を通じてユーザーの尿道に圧力を提供するために、ユーザーの前膣壁と後膣壁との間に延びるように適合された圧力領域を含む。圧力領域は最大直径を含む。更に、外側表面は、装置がユーザーの膣から取り除かれた後に、装置の外側表面を見るユーザーに可視である、使用表示器を含む。