A kind of non-sleep carry-on urine collection bag device of male, it include that funnel, conduit, cloth bag, urine collection bag, diaper and adjustable waist band are formed, the funnel for entangling male sex organ and scrotum is connected by conduit with two urine collection bags in two cloth bags in personal two outside of suspention what human leg, thereby form a what it is any when, can all drain the urine into the urine collection bag device. 一種男性非睡眠用隨身集尿袋裝置,包括有漏斗、導管、布袋、集尿袋、兜布、及可調式腰帶所組成,套住男性生殖器和陰囊之漏斗藉導管與貼身懸吊於人體腿部兩外側之兩布袋內之兩集尿袋相連接,藉此組成一於任何時、地皆可將尿液排入該集尿袋裝置。