An auto-retractable safety syringe comprising a syringe barrel (12) havinga hollow plunger (13) slideably located therein. The needle assembly comprisesa needle and a needle hub (17), with a groove in the end of the barrel (12) to holdthe needle hub (17) and a spring disposed over said needle hub (17) and acting betweenthe needle hub (17) and the end of the barrel (12). The needle hub (17) has a groovearound its circumference in which a locking means mates so as to retain the needlehub (17) in the end of the syringe barrel (12) during use. The plunger (13) uponcompletion of an injection and when further depressed activates auto retractionof the needle hub (17) by dislodging said locking means from said groove to releasethe needle hub (17) hence allowing the needle and spring to retract inside thehollow plunger (13) under the influence of the spring.