Mine is a vastly improved form of paddy harvester that has two feeder-boxes one integral to body & one to cutter-bar and a novel mesh type design of the stator of Main Thresher accompanied by the splines and provision in its shield which facilitates 2-tum quick threshing and distributed and efficient chaff-recirculate entry and exit. This two-turn mechanism makes the bidirectional flow of the crop possible renders the quality of straw-remains far better than ordinary methods. The presence of two re-threshers at the end of the line rises up number of number of threshing places to three for thorough extraction of grain. The simplicity in chassis design is further enhanced by screw arrangement for spring-tensioner mechanism which grossly reduces tiresome labors of clearing mud off chassis and of leveraging against springs each time. A vastly simple, very less maintenance-intensive mechanical addition to cutter-bar in place of a complicated internally cranking spindles has been given.