A babyts birth is one of the happiest times in family life. Recognising and preventing this danger is one of the most important duties ol˜an Obstetrician Complications present during pregnancyand the stress of labour can compromise oxygen delivery to the baby. II this happens, the brain and other vital organs can get affected. II can lead to a child which is mentally handicapped. CTG is a sensitive test however this comes at the price ofa high false positive rate and poor positive predictive value. Therefore. a better means ol˜ monitoring the baby in labour was sought. It would have 10 be sensitive enough to pick up all the cases of fetal distress: and be specific enough to decrease the number of unnecessary caesarean sections 11 would also need 10 be subjective rather than objective Hence we have designed N 13 scdpe which will help the Obstetrician to diagnose the fetal conditions with ease.