The present invention relates to a method for carrying out a virtual procedure for an orthodontic procedure, and more specifically to a virtual procedure method for an orthodontic procedure in which, on the basis of real data, a 3D tooth model created by minimizing an error rate, and various guides for virtual procedures for orthodontic procedures, a user interface (UI) is provided which is subdivided into two dimensional manipulations as opposed to a conventional three dimensionally-operated UI in which precise manipulations are difficult, and thus a user can carry out precise manipulations more conveniently, tooth movement that is similar to the real correction process can be carried out, thereby reflecting, in real time, the transformation in tooth arrangement structure brought about by the orthodontic work. The present invention provides a virtual procedure method which uses real data and a tooth model that minimizes an error rate, thereby providing a virtual procedure method enabling precise manipulations by means of simple operations compared to conventional methods, and in which by providing various types of guides a precise virtual procedure and user convenience are promoted, a virtual procedure for dental procedures is carried out and it is possible to identify, in real time, analysis information for elements within the oral cavity such as the jawbone and the tooth movement change amount that changes due to the movement of a patients teeth.La présente invention concerne une méthode permettant de mettre en oeuvre une procédure virtuelle destinée à une procédure orthodontique, et plus spécifiquement une méthode selon laquelle on crée sur la base de données réelles, un modèle dentaire en 3D en réduisant au minimum un taux derreurs, et selon laquelle on utilise différents éléments de guidage pour des procédures virtuelles destinées à des procédures orthodontiques ainsi quune interface utilisateur (UI) subdivisée en manipulations en deux dimensions par oppositio