The invention relates to the agricultural industry, in particular to machines for deep loosening address.To improve the quality of the process operation (soil crumbling) glubokoryhlitelja through rational fastening of the teeth on the drum and the possibility of adjusting the distance between adjacent teeth, depending on soil conditions, a subsoiler mounted, of mounted with a tractor, comprising a frame 1 with fixing elements to the mounted tractor system, loosening legs 2 mounted on the frame 1, bit 5 set at an angle to the horizontal and rendered forward relative to the axial line of the rack paw ploskorezy prikatchiki-3 and in ravnivateli mounted on the rear wall of the frame and consisting of two drums 6 and 7 with teeth 8 and 9 are pressed into the grooves shaped end of the tooth base and the outer surface of the perimeter - bevel for the welded joint, arranged on a helical line and having different lengths, wherein a gap between adjacent teeth of the first and second drums is less than 1.5 cm, and the teeth of the first drum 6 have a gap of 1 cm between their ends and the cylindrical surface of the second drum 7, wherein the first drum is mounted with a gap between the soil and q ilindricheskoy surface to 5 cm, the drum surface is provided with a ring 10, having through holes for the teeth, wherein the teeth ring movably mounted on the drum with adjustable gap between adjacent teeth of the first and second drums.Полезная модель относится к сельскохозяйственному машиностроению, в частности к машинам для глубокого рыхления почты.Для повышения качества технологического процесса работы (крошение почвы) глубокорыхлителя за счет рационального крепления зубьев к барабану и возможности регулировки расстояния между смежными зубьями в зависимости от почвенных условий, в глубокорыхлителе навесном, агрегатируемого с трактором, содержащем раму 1 с элементами крепления к навесной системе трактора, рыхлительные лапы 2, установленные на раме 1, долото 5, установленное под угл